November 5th – 9th, 2024
At Galerie 24b
24 bis Rue Saint-Roch, 75001
Paris France

Vernissage: November 5, 2024, 6-9 PM

Please join us for the premier exhibition of the 2024 PX3 Winning Photographs, awarded by an international jury of prominent photography experts, along with the State of the World, a selection of photographic essays curated by Hossein Farmani.

RSVP for Vernissage

Photo Credits: Thibault Gerbaldi

Join us as we explore the work of Amy Jones, 2023 PX3 category winner and State of the World curator selection. Her winning project "Behind Closed Doors" was also awarded the Earth.Org “Overall Best Environmental Photo” 2023 and the “Wildlife in Peril” 2023 category. Jones is a photographer and activist whose images focus on the intersection of animal welfare, environmentalism, and farming. Amy's journey into photography was not merely a pursuit of artistry but a response to the urgent need to shed light on the injustices faced by animals and the environment. In this interview, Amy shares her motivations, challenges, inspirations, and her commitment to using photography as a tool for advocacy and change.

Please briefly introduce yourself and explain how you initially got into photography?
My name is Amy Jones and I am a photographer and storyteller focusing on animal, wildlife, and environmental issues. In the years before I picked up a camera myself, I had a keen interest in photography but preferred to look at the images of others. But as I learned more about the terrible things facing animals and the environment, I started seeking out these stories myself. 
I don’t think that I necessarily got into this work because I wanted to be a photographer, I think it was more because I saw the injustices happening to animals, particularly in our food and agriculture system, and I found that photography could communicate these issues in a way that words couldn’t. Fast-forward six years and my search for these stories has taken me across seven different countries where I’ve documented the animals used for food, entertainment, fashion, and experimentation. 
Why did you choose to focus your photojournalism on environmental issues?
To start with my focus was on the animals, but because there is such an overlap between our destruction of the natural world and the ways we use animals, the environmental issues were naturally translated through that work. For example, animal agriculture contributes up to one-fifth of planet-warming emissions, is the leading cause of deforestation, and is responsible for significant biodiversity loss and pollution. I now recognise just how interconnected these issues are and do my best to communicate this overlap.
And by following the stories of those impacted by environmental issues, in this case, the cows who are intensively farmed for dairy, I believe we, as photographers, can offer a glimpse into the heartbreaking realities of these hidden places. 
Who are some photojournalists through history that inspire you? How has their photography influenced yours?
There are so many! The first photograph that ever stopped me in my tracks was by Britta Jakenski. It is called Broken Cats. I remember being deeply moved and, on reflection I think that was the moment I thought about exploring photography to get to the heart of an issue and communicate that with the outside world.
Jo-Anne McArthur is another photographer who inspires me. She is a trailblazer when it comes to telling animals stories. She founded the animal photojournalism agency, We Animals Media, and is doing groundbreaking work to help advance this field and support others in documenting these issues. 
Another that comes to mind is Aitor Garmendia. He is one of the most thorough and extraordinarily talented investigative photojournalists I’ve ever come across and his tireless efforts to document even the most difficult stories are a huge inspiration to me.  
Did you run into any challenges when creating 'Behind Closed Doors'?
Unfortunately, places that exploit animals are notoriously difficult to access and the reality of what’s happening to them relies on investigators and journalists. But that’s why I document these stories. I’m interested in telling the stories that very few others are photographing, and the animals' experience of intensive farming, is something that is unfortunately not often covered in the mainstream. I see it as my role to help keep these stories on the radar.
There was also a balance I had to strike with this story. I didn’t want the images to all be so graphic that they turn people away, but I also wanted to show the reality that these animals are living. Through composition and lighting, I wanted them to be powerful enough to pull people in behind that closed door and look before being hit with the final image.
What is your favorite or most impactful image from this project? Why?
I come back to the second image in the series quite a lot. There’s something about the way the cow is glancing back at the investigator, the way her legs are shackled, and the state of her body that gets me every time.
Where do you see your photography going next? Any projects you're currently working on that you can speak about?
Initially, I came to photography as a form of activism, but over the years that has shifted. I now see myself as a journalist first and foremost. Yes, I want people to connect with my photos and yes, I want my images to inspire change for animals and the environment. But I think of my role as documenting the facts, relaying them to others, and keeping those stories on the radar. I can see my work continuing in this vein going forward. This year I’ve been working on another story into intensive farming. I can’t say too much about this yet, but I’ll be sharing the images from this series in the future. 
If you could give a piece of advice to photographers and photojournalists world wide what would it be?
Follow the stories that matter to you and see how the narrative develops. Behind Closed Doors was originally supposed to focus only on the cows, but the passion and tireless work of the investigators naturally became a larger part of the story. It’s also important to look at the bigger picture and recognise how many issues we, as photojournalists, feel compelled to document are interconnected. 
We want to thank Amy Jones for taking the time to answer our questions and reflect back on her award winning series. To view her project and the other curator's selection click below.

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Join us for the Px3 2023 Winners and “State of the World” Exhibition and Opening Event in the heart of Ostuni!
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2023 Px3 Winners and ‘State of the World’ exhibition curated by Hossein Farmani in the House of Lucie Ostuni. Talented photographers from around the globe will showcase their contemporary photographs, with the exhibition honoring the work of 1st and 2nd place PX3 category winners and the ‘State of the World’ Curatorial selection from 2023.
Opening event: May 4 | 18:30 to 20:30 PM
Location: House of Lucie Ostuni ( Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi 164, OSTUNI 72017)
Opening times of the Exhibition: May 4 – 26
Fri-Sat 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Sun 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Entry is free!

Opening Event: February 8

We are pleased to invite you to attend the Paris Photo Prize Exhibition, which will take place at the House of Lucie Budapest, February 9 to 22, 2024. The opening event will take place on February 8, 2024, from 19:00 to 21:00.

The exhibition honoring the work of 1st and 2nd place PX3 category winners and the “State of the World” Curatorial selection from 2023 will be open to the public from February 9 to 22, 16:00 to 19:00. Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners will be shown by projector. 

Opening event: February 8 | 19:00 to 21:00 PM
Location: House of Lucie Budapest (Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 30.)
Opening times of the Exhibition: February 8 - 22 | 16:00 to 19:00. Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners will be shown on screen during the opening hours.
Entry is free!

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People stand atop a statue in protest holding a red flag.

The PX3 Annual Winners Book represents the very best among the thousands of entries received and evaluated by our distinguished Jury panel. The 2023 Edition of the book features not only the “Photographer of the Year” and “Best New Talent”, but also the top category winners, as well as gold/silver/bronze winners from each sub-category, in Professional and Amateur/Student divisions. Honorable Mentions are included as well.

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As we enter into the new year, there are many exciting things to look forward to and many happy memories to cherish. The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” strives to promote the appreciation of photography and to discover new photo talent around the world and introduce it to the artistic community in Paris. In 2023, dozens of new photographer’s work was highlighted and the Px3 family has grown larger and stronger. Look back on the previous year with us and all the Px3 community has accomplished.

2023 Px3 Photography Competition

Every year, the work submitted to Px3 is stunning and the competition is fierce. The esteemed jury selects both category winners as well as the Photographer of the Year and Best New Talent. Let us look back on this year’s award winning photography that was featured by Px3.

Photographer of the Year

Imperium: Ukrainians Endure by Michael Robinson Chavez

Photojournalist Michael Robinson Chavez explores the Russian invasion of Ukraine as the war entered into its second year. His photography is focused on the destruction of these Ukrainian cities and the lives of the affected people in them.

Dark cloud of smoke over a black and white city.
Dark silhouette of a woman in a dress in front of a foggy background of a forest.

Best New Talent

Anna by Anna Ligus

Made during the pandemic, Ligus's series of self portraits aimed to be a form of therapy for her as she explored her sadness and isolation. Due to the timing of the project, Ligus was able to work entirely independent and without input from others leading to her most personal and intimate series yet.

2023 Winners Exhibition and State of the World

One of our favorite parts of the Annual Prix de la Photographie is coming together and celebrating the fantastic work that was chosen. From November 7th - 12th, the first and second place Px3 winner’s work was displayed at Galerie 24b in the heart of Paris, France. Alongside the Px3 winners was a selection of photojournalistic work from around the globe curated by Px3 founder Hossein Farmani. Below is an excerpt of Farmani’s curator statement:

“I've also selected stories addressing contemporary social concerns, from London's gay pride to Zurich's feminist strike. Many other tales span the globe, providing insight into our world. My hope is that these stories foster compassion, nurturing an appreciation for our shared humanity and diverse perspectives.”

-Hossein Farmani, Curator and Founder, Px3

Poster for 2023 Px3 Exhibition featuring a close up of a swimming polar bear.
Collage of pictures from the night of the 2023 Px3 exhibition.

Below is an excerpt from one of the curator's selections for 'State of the World'; photographer Antonio Denti.

"I think Px3 State of the World is an excellent container of stories. It mirrors my idea that human events are significant in a way that enlightens on the human condition. So, they are significant to all of us. And this is exactly the spirit I saw in State of the World. As a whole, the collection of those stories – made with similar intent in the most diverse circumstances – become a patchwork that really enlightens about the state of our world."

Read the full interview here.

A man in a Native American headdress stares at the US capitol building.

Press Mentions

See below some of the press that the wonderful and talented Px3 finalists and winners have been mentioned in.

Submit Today: 2024 Px3 Photography Competition 

As we move into the new year, we can look forward to making new photography and new friends. The 2024 Px3 Photography Competition is now accepting submissions from across the world. Submit and be a part of a global community of artists and have your work displayed in Paris!

Awards and Prizes

PX3 Photographer of the Year (Professional)—$5,000 cash prize

Professional photographers compete for the top award–the title of “PX3 Photographer of the Year” and $5,000 cash prize. The Photographer of the Year is chosen from among the 1st prize winners in each of the 6 Pro Categories. The winner’s work is publicized internationally, receives the spotlight at all events, is exhibited in Paris, and published in the PX3 Annual Book.

PX3 Best New Talent (Non-Professionals and Students)—$2,000 cash prize

Non-professional photographers compete for the PX3 Best New Talent Award and $2,000 cash prize. The winner is chosen from the 1st prize winners in the 6 Non-Pro/Student categories. The work is publicized and exhibited in Paris, and published in the PX3 Annual Book.

First Place Category Winners (Professionals) - $500 cash prize

First Place Category Winners (Non-Professionals and Students) - $250 cash prize

First place winners' work will be exhibited at the PX3 Exhibition in Paris. All first place winners from both the professional and non-professional categories will receive a PX3 certificate and a PX3 winner's logo for promotional purposes.

Other Category Winners

All winners from both the professional and non-professional categories will receive a PX3 certificate and a PX3 winner's logo for promotional purposes.

Honorable Mentions

PX3 judges award several Certificates of Honorable Mention to both professional and non-professional entries to acknowledge talent as they see fit.

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