Bronze / 2024 / Special / AI Generated Images

Generated Emotions

After following various debates on AI, I questioned whether the creation process and effort behind an image are more important than the content and story it conveys. This curiosity inspired me to embark on a unique AI project. My goal was to create images that tell stories and provoke deep sensations. I invested my heart and creativity into each piece, striving to transcend the typical AI-generated images. Thus, the “Generated Emotions” project was born, aiming to connect with viewers on a profound, emotional level.

My name is Qaiser Nadeem, I am a 38 years old artist and conceptual photographer based in Italy, My photography journey started in 2013.

As an introverted individual, expressing emotions and communicating have always been challenging for me. Photography serves as my medium for articulating those elusive feelings that often elude verbal expression. Through my work, I delve into the depths of my psyche, using imagery to bridge the gap between my inner world and the outer realm, inviting viewers to explore the intricacies of human emotion and introspection.