Bronze / 2024 / Special / Special Effects

Transient Surreality

Inspired by Rick Rubin's exploration of purposeless creation in The Creative Act, I found profound liberation within play and experimentation. 'Transient Surreality' a visual odyssey born from my immersion in countless hotel beds, transforming transient spaces into a canvas for expression. Capturing the bed's essence, unraveling symbolism tethered to adventure, a moment of unbridled freedom within solitary encounters. We witness uncharted territories where dreams and reality beautifully entwine, inviting contemplation on the ineffable connections between our waking and slumbering worlds.

Using medium and large format film photography, Richard is noted for the unobtrusive manner with which he relaxes his subjects, effortlessly imbuing their faces with serene and unperturbed expressions. For Richard, photography is his doorway to different cultures and traditions, it is a moment captured, a feeling, an emotion, a silent form of communication and a message to be interpreted and appreciated through many generations with no geographical boundaries.

Richard's work has been exhibited in various locations around Europe and Asia, most notably in the National Portrait Gallery, London