Bronze / 2024 / Special / Night Photography

Luciola Parvula in the Aioiyama

This photo shows the Japanese firefly (Luciola parvula), which inhabits the Aioiyama Green Space. Aioiyama Green Space is a lush oasis spanning approximately 123.4 hectares in the heart of Nagoya, one of Japan’s major cities. The green space was bisected by a road construction project that was planned in 1957 and commenced in 2003. Currently, only 200 meters of the planned 900-meter road remain unfinished due to opposition from nature conservation groups and environmentally conscious citizens in 2009. Let’s join hands to protect the future of our natural environment.

I have taken photography since 2009.
My main subjects are various landscapes in Japan.
The landscapes I photograph are mostly nature, and I mainly shoot nightscapes, early morning views, waterside views, views with Mount Fuji, and cherry blossom trees.
When the subject is a natural landscape, I repeatedly shoot the same location in spring, summer, fall, and winter, even for many years.
While I visit famous shooting spots, I like to find my own unique shooting spots that no one else knows about.
I want to continue to discover various landscapes of Japan in the future.

Awards International Photography Awards 2021 Special / Night Photography 3rd Place,
Tokyo International Foto Awards 2021 Category Nature-Trees Honorable Mention,
International Photography Awards One Shot / Color Honorable Mention,
PX3 PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS 2022 Nature / Seasons Silver