Bronze / 2024 / Portraiture / Culture

World Bog Snorkeling Championships

Driving through Llanwrtyd Wells,
There’s a mysterious feeling in the air.
The sun is fraught, burning through the clouds,
Easing tensions in the crowds.
The fabric of reality bends,
A whole new fantasy awaits,
As I pass through the gates,
First impressions seem in place.
As I mingle with the herd,
I come across an affable horde,
Not unlike those I Know,
From back across the plateaux.
Looking on with bewilderment,
Their modern garb lacks the filament,
Standing there in their grace,
Yet it’s me who’s feeling out of place.
With these pipes up in the air,
They seem to help with life in here,

Using medium and large format film photography, Richard is noted for the unobtrusive manner with which he relaxes his subjects, effortlessly imbuing their faces with serene and unperturbed expressions. For Richard, photography is his doorway to different cultures and traditions, it is a moment captured, a feeling, an emotion, a silent form of communication and a message to be interpreted and appreciated through many generations with no geographical boundaries.

Richard's work has been exhibited in various locations around Europe and Asia, most notably in the National Portrait Gallery, London