Bronze / 2024 / Portraiture / Culture

Guardians of Tradition

In a remote village, a series of captivating portraits unveils the guardians of tradition, once marginalized for their differences.

Each image radiates resilience and pride as these individuals defiantly uphold their cultural heritage, embodying the enduring spirit of their tribe.

Against the backdrop of their secluded community, they stand as pillars of strength and unity, testament to the power of tradition in shaping their identity.

Ray Stone was born and raised in a quaint and beautiful village on the border of France and Germany.
From a young age he had the desire to explore different cultures. As he traveled, he experimented with different forms of art, including painting, sculptures and photography.

Photography is meditation and stillness to the mind, body and soul. It was in south of Thailand where Ray found his stillness. The monastery “Suan Mokkh” was the gateway to silence, peace and freedom.