Silver / 2024 / Press / Nature/Environmental

Long Shadow

142 million pigs, 76 million cattle and billions of chickens farmed yearly: Europe’s factory farms have exceeded what the scientific community have claimed are safe bounds.
Factory farms’ externalities hit neighbouring communities first, transforming local ecologies and endangering health and welfare. 
Noise, strong odours that force residents indoors, air toxicity with ammonia emissions, chronic disease, water pollution with high nitrate concentrations and E. coli, PM2.5 emissions, hydrogen sulphide, flu-like symptoms: living near factory farms decreases the basic quality of life in Europe.

Award-winning freelance visual journalist. Her work spans issues relating to social justice, anthropology, human rights, identity, the environment, and food production. Raised in the Italian Dolomites, she is based in Berlin. During the past years, she covered, among others topics, environmental crime, migration, border brutality on land and the Mediterranean Sea, and has traveled over one and a half years to the biggest Gypsy ghetto in Europe. Since 2023 she is represented by Panos Pictures recipient of the Journalismfund grant for an ongoing project about the impact of factory farming.

Awards LUCIE Foundation x 2
Photo Is:Rael
The Independent Photographer
Featureshoot's Global Billboard Project
Life Framer
Prix De La Photographie