Silver / 2024 / Nature / Earth

Drought, Aragon, Spain 2023.

Aerial photograph of farmland suffering from drought in Aragon, Spain. In several of the Spanish provinces farmers are practicing dry land farming, which means that they grow the crops in the winter season when there is enough precipitation to make it grow. However in recent years that has not worked due to severe drought. Here you see the complex layout of the fields, which are placed in small depressions in the hilly landscape. The photograph was shot from a helicopter at about 600m altitude.

I was Born in 1955 in Marmaverken, Sweden. Professional photographer since 1990. In the beginning of my carreer I was drawn to the untamed and un-manipulated that one finds in Nature. In recent years my course has changed towards landscapes influenced by man. In this competition I have submitted an aerial photograph of a Spanish farmland. I have won 13 international awards and among them The Hasselblad Master Award back in 2008. I have also made 11 books related to landscape photography. The latest book "AQUA" on waterscapes. I live in Hägersten a suburb South of Stockholm, Sweden.

Awards First prize in 13 international awards including Hasselbald Master Award 2008.