Silver / 2024 / Nature / Domestic Animals


  • Prize
    Silver in Nature/Domestic Animals
  • Photographer
    Izabela Lapinska, Poland
  • Studio
    Lodz Film School (PWSFTviT)
  • Website

I photographed a cat. I was able to focus on the parts of his body, on his beautiful, amazing, incredible skin. I noticed that sometimes his body is deceptively similar to a human body. Similar shapes, structure, form. All living beings on Earth are very similar to each other.

Polish artist, photographer and film expert.Her photographic works have been the subject of dozens of exhibitions in Poland and abroad and have been featured in numerous publications in French, Belgian, Czech and Greek journals. The artist's works have been published in the Belgian magazine ‘Objectif’, in the French edition of ‘PHOTO’, and in the Polish magazines ‘Pozytyw’, ‘Camera Obscura’, ‘Format’ and ‘Akademia’.
Izabela Lapinska has taken part in international projects and scientific conferences which concerned issues of the human body in culture.