Gold / 2024 / Nature / Domestic Animals

The Language of Shepherds

  • Prize
    Gold in Nature/Domestic Animals
  • Photographer
    Brian Sassmann, United States
  • Studio
    Brian Sassmann Photography
  • Instagram

I met Stelios the Shepherd in Crete while scouting for a location shoot.I was immediately mesmerized by his way of life. Simple,abundant & primordial. Keeping a flock on this rocky island of Ancient Myth has survived relatively unchanged throughout the rise & fall of many empires.His farm was on the South coast,looking down to the Libyan Sea.I went with him to scout early morning while he fed & milked his flock & stayed throughout his daily toils up to the last light.I continued to go with him for many days capturing the dedication & servitude to his flock. The Language of Shepherds.