Gold / 2024 / Fine Art / Still Life


In my work,I explore the relation of photographic imagery and painting. I use basic, almost ascetic forms. By combining them into a well thought-out geometric composition, I strive to achieve ideal simplicity. Therefore, I try to combine them in my artwork to create my own dimension of visual expression. Working on still lifes, I seek for a beauty in simplicity, in traditional forms that humanity has used for millennia. In today’s world of saturation, this minimalist project “Forms” provides an opportunity to distract from the superficial and focus on what’s fundamental.

Olena Zubach is an visual artist, working in photography and collage from Kyiv, Ukraine.
Olena has a master's degree in economics and finance. She studied photography at the Kyiv School of Photography in 2021-2023. And ever since she is exploring the still life genre of photography.

Awards Awards:
● Winner (Gold; Bronze), Prix de la Photographie, Paris, 2023
● Winner (Silver, Jury Top 5 Selection), Tokyo International Foto Awards,Tokyo, 2023
● Winner (Silver), Budapest International Foto Awards, Budapest, 2023
● Runner-up, Contemporary collage magazine, London, UK, 2023
● Honourable mention in Fine Art category, International Photography Awards, Los Angeles, 2023
● Winner (Bronze) Prix de la Photographie, Paris, 2022
● Winner (Gold) Tokyo International Foto Awards,Tokyo, 2022
● Winner (Gold) ND Awards,United Kingdom, 2022
● Winner (Bronze), Prix de la Photographie, Paris (PX3), 2022
● Honourable mention in Fine Art category, International Photography Awards, Los Angeles, 2022
● Nomination in Fine Art category, Fine Art Photography Awards, London, 2022