Gold / 2024 / Book / Nature


In a world that gets harder and harder and where we the last couple of years have endured several global crises it has become more and more important to find ways to feel good. In Japan they created something called Shinrin-yoku, forest bath, in the eighties. It was created to cope with a stressful work life but it works just as well for other stress factors.

The book is the result of my visits and thoughts in various forests the last two years. Both in the vicinity of my Swedish home but also as far away as Mount Mgahinga in Uganda’s mist covered Virunga mountains.

Art and nature photographer who enjoys venturing into all different kind om photography genres.

My own creativity often takes place in nature where I capture landscapes, light, animals, movement and everything else you can find there. It’s not important to catch a specific motive but rather what I can express with the photo.

Awards Selected awards

2024 Silver – Book Nature – Tokyo International Foto Awards 2023
2023 Bronze – Book Nature – Budapest International Foto Awards 2023
2023 Silver – Black&White-Drone – New York Photography Awards 2023
2023 Highly commended – Nature’s studio – GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2023
2023 Gold – Fine Art-People – European Photography Awards 2023
2023 Gold – Fine Art-Nature – European Photography Awards 2023
2023 Artistical development and promote quality – Culture support from Region Östergötland
2022 Silver – Fine Art-Landscape – New York Photography Awards 2022
2022 Silver – Black&White-Wildlife – New York Photography Awards 2022
2022 Silver – Black&White-Wildlife – New York Photography Awards 2022
2022 Silver – Nature-Wildlife – New York Photography Awards 2022
2022 Silver – Nature-Wildlife – New York Photography Awards 2022
2022 Silver – Vårgårda Nature photography festival 2022
2022 Bronze – Creative nature image, Swedish Nature Photography Championships 2022
2022 Merit – Mammals, Swedish Nature Photography Championships 2022
2022 Merit – Mammals, Swedish Nature Photography Championships 2022
2022 Gold – Photo book-Nature, International Photo Awards 2022
2022 Gold – Photo book-Nature, PX3 Prix de la photographie Paris 2022
2022 Bronze – Nature-Wildlife, PX3 Prix de la photographie Paris 2022
2021 Bronze – Photo book-Nature, Tokyo International Foto Awards 2021
2021 Silver – Photo book-Nature, Budapest International Foto Awards 2021
2021 Bronze – Nature-Wildlife, Tokyo International Foto Awards 2020
2021 Bronze – Portfolio-Fine Art, Tokyo International Foto Awards 2020
2021 World Photographic Cup – Participant in the Swedish national team
2020 Gold – Mammals, Swedish Nature Photography Championships 2020