Silver / 2024 / Special / Macro

Seedpod Alien

Believe it or not. this is a seedpod, only about two inches long. I'ms reasonable sure this was a macro lens, biit I don't remember exactly. The silky strands combined by the seeming legs and tail, ,ake it look like something otherworldly.

Larry O’Reilly is a photo hobbyist since roughly 2015.
Several of his works have recently received honorable mentions, including for the Budapest Photo Awards, the Paris Photo Awards (Px3) including about 4-5 Honorable Mentions and now a Silver award, and two from the International Photo Awards.

Larry previously served as Assistant Director at the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum in charge of exhibits, developed the museum’s IMAX theater, and was Executive Producer of the Museum’s signature IMAX film 'Galapagos'.

Awards Honorable Mention Budapest Photo Awards 2023, several Px3(Paris Photo Prize) approx 4-5 honorable mentions (and now a silver award) for 2024, plus two International Photography Awards in the Honorable Mention category