Silver / 2024 / Press / People/Personality


Fossa dei Leoni, an ultras group in Bologna since the 1970s, embodies basketball passion. Beyond team support, they foster solidarity, inclusivity, and shared values within their community, extending support beyond games. Their rituals transcend gender, promoting democratic participation. Celebrating life events collectively, they strengthen belonging through fanzines and radio programs. Their unified support forms a quasi-religious devotion to the sport, encapsulated in the project FAITH.

Matteo Bergami, born in Bologna, refined his photography under Fulvio Bugani and Giulio Di Meo. Collaborating with Di Meo for Witness Journal, he explores spaces, seeking depth and wonder in simplicity. A former basketball player, he captures emotions during decisive sports moments. Bergami addresses sensitive, niche topics, winning the Closer 2022-in reportage for his project on Pamela Noutcho. His lens deconstructs photojournalistic logic in documenting Bologna's demonstrations. Recently, he completed a compelling reportage on the Fossa dei Leoni, the Ultras group of Fortitudo Pallacanestro