Silver / 2024 / Fine Art / Other


Eminent scientists, including Stephen Hawking, believe in the existence of the Multiverse, the set of multiple parallel universes.
I imagine what will happen when a portal to the Multiverse is found and explorations of the multiple terrestrial planets begin. Their colonization will be able to solve the dramatic problems of overpopulation, pollution and climate crisis of our original planet.
“Earth II” similar to ours, with oceans and volcanoes but without trees (there are bushes) and large animals, is a planet where strong magnetic fields create sunrises and sunsets of the most varied colours.

I started photographing forty years ago. I have always loved urban photography. In recent years, I have begun to creatively process architectural photos, trying to provoke emotions, or to tell stories. Some of my most original works, including "Insomnia", which tells of the depersonalization of the human being in the great metropolis, have achieved successes in important international competitions, and have been published on websites and magazines. My photos have been exhibited in many countries: Italy, Spain, France, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates...

Awards 2023
EFIAF - Excellence of FIAF (Italian photographic federation)
EPSA - Excellence of PSA "Photographic Society of America"
Winner Italian Team Cup for Clubs (with GF Il Cupolone)
5th place in FIAP WORLD CUP (with GF Il Cupolone)
SIPA Siena - Honorable mention; Siena Creative - Highly Commended; Architecture Masterprize - Winner Commercial Exterior;
World Masters of Photography, Wien - 1st Prize Trophy
PX3 "Le Prix de la Ph. Paris" - GOLD;
ND "Neutral Density" - GOLD;
IPA "International Ph. Aw." - SILVER;
BIFA Budapest - SILVER;
Siena Creative - "Runner Up"