Silver / 2024 / Fine Art / People

Tales from nowhere

Tales from nowhere is a modern visual fairy tale, an invitation to embark on a powerful journey of insight into the inner places of the artist who faces the complexities of a difficult period resulting from burn-out syndrome by searching for a magical version of reality.
The creative act that results in photography becomes an outlet, a cure and a refuge to counter everyday life, a means of finding oneself, exploring the most hidden emotions and revealing one's point of view on the world.
Through a narrative reminiscent of the Wunderkammer, the photographer searches for traces of magic.

Born in Palermo in 1978, he has lived in Cosenza since 2007. Graduated in 2002 from the photography course at the European Institute of Design in Rome, he later graduated in Theories and Practices of Anthropology with a thesis on Visual Anthropology entitled "Ethnophotography - Research with and on images", at La Sapienza University of Rome (2006).

Awards In June 2020, his "Magic Real Life" project was selected as the best portfolio at the IMP festival - International Month of Photojournalism, and became part of the Italian Collection of the Italy Photo Award.