Bronze / 2023 / Advertising / Other

100 Years

In an historically marginalised part of Stoke-on-Trent, the residents have embarked on a 100 Year Plan to improve the neighbourhood for the community and the planet.

Grown out of Covid, when it was difficult to even think about the next week, they found planning for the next 100 years lifted the discussion out of crisis management. It enabled the community to reflect on their place in history, empowering them to move forwards; to embark on a series of short-term projects to defend their land and the wider ecology. Through each small action collectively made today, huge impacts can follow.

Felicity Crawshaw is a London based photographer of people and places. She creates compelling portraits, and immersive landscape images from the UK and worldwide. Her work often centres around people’s relationship and connection with the environment, and the essential bonds that link them to the landscape.