Gold / 2022 / Fine Art / Collage

The Last Resort - Part 2

The Last Resort integrates urban and landscape scenes into a spatially and culturally different context. The series exemplifies the interaction between nature and the space claimed by humans, thereby alluding to current challenges such as climate change or the clash of social orders. In deceptive harmony, the monumental visions present a closed, possibly existing world and leave the question of anticipated future or presence unanswered. They might stimulate reflection on the way we think of the world and our place in it today.

Andreas Kremer, living in Cologne/Germany, began his artistic path after he had worked successfully in business for many years. Never losing touch with photography during the years, 2014 he changed his focus completely to photography as visual art, and hasn’t put down his camera since. The fascination for Japan culminated in his first photo book TENSION in 2019, published by KERBER Verlag and awarded gold a short time later.

Awards Since 2016, Andreas images and his photobook have been awarded and featured by several national and international photocontests and magazines like Kolga Photo Award (Georgia), Tokyo, Budapest and Moskau International Foto Awards, The Independent Photographer, IPA International Photography Awards, Lensculture, L´Oeil de la Photographie, Featureshoot, Esquire, Leica LFI, PX3 Paris, and others.