Silver / 2022 / Book / Documentary

Triumph and Tragedy

  • Prize
    Silver in Book/Documentary
  • Photographer
    Martin Miller, United States
  • Studio
    Martin Miller Photography
  • Website

This book traces the course of the scientific, industrial, and cultural revolutions that set the stage for humanity’s deadliest century. Words and rare historical images then describe the political movements and weapons responsible for the appalling carnage. The weapons themselves are shown in brooding, high-resolution detail in a gallery chapter with over a hundred of the author’s award-winning photographs.

My approach owes something to both the modernist attempt to intuit universal insights and the more pragmatic, culture-oriented, postmodern approach. The latter does little to explain our remarkable creative capacities and dreams, but the former has little to do with political, social, and economic realities. Our fears seem to straddle both camps, fueled by our imaginations and by objective reality. My goal is to create work that reflects a synthesis of these rather disparate conceptual systems in order to realize more fully the nature of our human heritage.

Silver Medalist, Professional Fine-Art Architecture, 2012 Prix de la Photographie Paris