Bronze / 2022 / Nature / Wildlife

Volpe artica blu

Ho trascorso 4 giorni all'interno del rifugio Læknishúsið alla fine di marzo mentre una tempesta di neve infuriava all'esterno per fotografare la volpe artica. Due volpi artiche blu con cappotti marroni vagavano per la casa attratte dall'odore del cibo. Ogni volta che lo vedevo uscivo sotto la neve e sdraiato a terra aspettavo che passasse nelle vicinanze per fare qualche scatto. La volpe artica resiste a temperature fino a 50 gradi sotto zero. Il suo mantello si adatta all'ambiente: le popolazioni che vivono lungo i fiordi delle isole.

GIANNI MAITAN was born on April 20, 1951, since 1980 he has dedicated himself to nature photography. He has exhibited in numerous personal and collective photographic exhibitions in Italy and abroad. His photos have been published in the most titled Italian and foreign specialized magazines. He has published 3 photo books. He has achieved hundreds of admissions and numerous awards in prestigious national and international photographic competitions and with the Italian team FIAF Natura he has achieved 10 World Cups at the FIAP Natura Biennials. He was a national and international judge.

Awards He has received hundreds of admissions and numerous prizes in prestigious national and international photographic competitions and with the Italian team FIAF Natura he has achieved 10 World Cups at the FIAP Natura Biennials. In May 2008 he was awarded the AFI Award and in May 2016 the IFI Award.