Bronze / 2021 / Book / Documentary


  • Prize
    Gold in Book/People, Bronze in Book/Documentary
  • Photographer
    J. Teguh Widjaja, Indonesia
  • Instagram

The photographer is a pulmonologist doctor who lead the covid clinical team in Immanuel hospital Bandung, Indonesia. This book is his personal testimony with his colleague’s health care workers who have been consistently working, fighting, and serving the patients through this rocky time with the pandemic. The photographic works and the design of this book have effectively presented the ideas and information as the photo collection book which contains not only the visual documentation but also the expressions of the photographer in response to this current pandemic.

I am is a Pulmonologist Doctor who work at Immanuel Hospital Bandung, and a lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung Indonesia. Recently, I am also the leader of covid clinical team in my hospital. Despite my busy schedule as a Pulmonologist, I have a keen interest in photography. Initially, photography was merely a hobby, but then I started to pursue this hobby seriously as I joined some photography clubs in Indonesia. Personally, I believe that photography is a way of revealing things in my heart and mind as a response of the things happening around me.