/ 2020 / Press / People/Personality

Black Life Matter (BLM) also for Garífuna People

  • Prize
    Bronze in Portraiture/Other, Bronze in Press/People/Personality
  • Photographer
    Dorte Verner, Denmark

BLM! Also in Central America where the Garífuna live; an Afro-Honduran ethnic group. Garífuna live in poverty and face discrimination. Hunger is widespread. There is no store that sell nutritious food but micro-stores that sell “fast-food 2.0” i.e. small bags of cookies and chips with no nutritional value but only fat and sugars and no vitamins nor proteins. Mothers buy packages for breakfast and lunch when they have a little cash. There is no jobs or portable water; families have to buy drinking water. Black communities have the least infrastructure in the region, they are forgotten; BLM!