/ 2017 / Press / -

The Calais Jungle

The Calais Jungle was a refugee and migrant encampment in the vicinity of Calais, France.
Many who lived in this camp attempted to illegally enter the United Kingdom via the Port
of Calais or the Eurotunnel .
Conditions in the camps are poor, typically without proper sanitary or washing facilities
and accommodation consisting of tents and improvised shelters.
On 24 October 2016, France begins dismantling Calais Jungle refugee camp.
The French evacuated 6,400 migrants from the encampment in 170 buses, with the intent of
resettling the migrants in different regions of France.
Mostly young men from Africa or Afghanistan, Eritrea, Sudan and other conflict-torn
countries trucked down the camp’s trash-filled, muddy lanes in small groups, pushing or
dragging donated suitcases, or toting knapsacks front and back.
After two days of peaceful dismantling, incidents struck the "Jungle" of Calais during
Wednesday october 26. At least 100 huts were set on fire by inhabitants .

After a music career with the electro-clash band EMMA PEAL, Vincent Peal now essentially dedicates his energies to the visual realm.

He produced a number of super 8 video clips in NY, London, Berlin...and made a documentary about the outcast living in Brussels. Some of his pictures of the Bombay slums and the problems surrounding the pollution on West Africa’s beaches were selected for the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai in the “World Water Pavilion”.

Awards Publication :
Bruxelles Ville Ouverte aux Editions de Juillet
( www.editionsdejuillet.com) - 2015
World News aux Editions de Juillet ( www.editionsdejuillet.com) - 2018

Prix du Jury au festival Solidaris 2018 « Pour toi c’est quoi une femme ? »
Lauréat 2017 du « Plus grand concours photo » au magazine PHOTO.
1er prix au concours « MAKE BRUSSELS » 2016 organisé par Atrium avec le projet "Alors on Zwanze"! L’exposition met en scène des portraits de Marolliens réalisés par deux photographes bruxellois racontant 50 ans d’histoire(s) des Marolles, Daniel Storz en 1966 et Vincent Peal en 2016.

Prix du Jury à l’exposition « Bruxelles Je t’aime » organisé par La Ministre de la Culture.
Prix du livre à Strasbourg, au festival « Rendez vous image 2015».

Lauréat du concours «Bruxelles Plurielle » organisé par le Parlement Francophone bruxellois.

Lauréat du concours « Go SHOOT it » 2015 organisé par le Social-Cultureel Medewerker Curieus Brussels Vzw.