/ 2017 / Book / Nature

Earth Scars

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Yi Sun 2016 PX3 awards, overall 1st Prize in Nature Category 2015 ND awards, ND Fine Art Photographer of the Year website: www.yisunphotography.com , United Kingdom
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We, humans, are always putting ourselves superior over other living
species. Without a doubt, we are the most intelligent organisms that
Earth has seen. This often gives us the illusion that we have the right
to change this planet in whatever ways we see fitting. These dramatic
series of images were taken over a mining site in Western Australia.
We oven hear people say that we are destroying the earth. In truth,
the earth has endured far more hostile environment since its birth. We
may have the abilities to leave "scars" on the earth, but all we are
destroying is just a place we can live as a home.

Yi Sun is an international award-winning landscape and travel photographer based in Cambridge, UK. He has a passion to explore the world and documenting nature's fine art creations. Website: www.yisunphotography.com

Awards * IPA 2014 - 1st Prize Winner - Panoramic Category
* IPA 2014 - 2nd Prize Winner - Panoramic Category
* ND Awards 2014 - 3rd Prize Winner - Night Photography Category
* The EPSON International Pano Awards - 25th Place - Open award Nature Category