/ 2016 / Fine Art / Other_FA

Inflection point

  • Prize
    Gold in Fine Art/Collage, Bronze in Fine Art/Other
  • Photographer
    Lore Sanvitale, Argentina

“Want to” vs “Must”, which path to take? External and self-imposed
demands, appearances, the “what-will-they-say”, goals, career,
competition … they were entrapping me like roots into the soil until I
realized there were two ME conflicting on my inside and started to
wonder: why do I do what I do? Is this what I want to do for the rest
of my life? Am I defined by my actions? It is not my intention in this
introspective work to answer these questions but rather encourage the
These images were made from pictures taken in Epecuén, a whole
town flooded, which story not only shake me profoundly but also
entwined with my life at the time: collapsed and overflowed by the
pressures and fears. I utilize the self-portraiture as means of
approximation with the observer.