/ 2013 / Fine Art / Still Life

Eden in Microwave

  • Prize
    Gold in Fine Art/Still Life
  • Photographer
    Soyeon Hwang, Korea, Republic of
  • Studio
    Freelance Photographer

rice 2min. 15 seconds. , soup 4 min. 30 seconds, milk 2 min. These mean the preset timer to cook something at my microwave-oven.

In the book of Genesis of The Old Testament, Methuselah had lived for 969 years, and after Noah’s Flood, man’s average life span became 120 years, and Moses said, “ the length of our days is 70 years or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow.

Likewise, we are also living lives being destined to our own life span. Our life is spinning around darkness as well as light sometimes. While we are spinning around our wheels of life, abruptly the door might open wide and the master might take our hands to go out. Of course by being out of the door we could reach to the broader and better world.

On this imagination, while I was peeping into microwave oven, light through the wire looked so mysterious to me. The first object was bananas. The bokeh behind the fruit, which looked like man, were glaring like halo. To me, it was aura itself. Loving this aura I kept taking pictures.

I started this job from the fruits, but it moved to the very familiar things like my mother’s age-old things that I used to touch from a young age, my well-kept odds and ends, the things my wife brought when she got married, and also the things I got in my daughter’s room, and also something that I touched momentarily here and there. All these things have been Eden in Microwave.

At first I tried to take photo with meaning, but later I wanted to keep these things as a record with its own meaning. Photo makes both possible with its own potential.

- Private Exhibitions :
2012, "The Gifts from Eden", Jeongdong Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009, "Memories of Eden", Gallery Space LOU, Seoul, Korea

- Group Exhibitions :
2011, Exhibition of 3 Photographers: "The Time", Gallery Photo-Telling, Seoul, Korea
2010, "Christian Photography: soli Deo glora", Rainbow Gallery, Incheon, Korea

Awards 2013, PX3 (Prix de la Photographie Paris) People's Choice Awards 1st Prize (Non-Professional, Fine Art)
2008, Winner for Dong-A International Photography Competition, Dong-A Daily News, Seoul Korea