/ 2013 / Advertising / Product

Same Same But Different

  • Prize
    Silver in Advertising/Product
  • Photographer
    Zinkie Aw, Singapore

Most things around us are peas from the same pod -- Portrayals modified onto various skins.

In urban dictionary, this would perhaps translate to a 'Same Same but Different' phenomenon.

n this incarnation, the jerry can turns the expected into the unexpected, by morphing into a lamp.

Take a look at this series, inspired by how the 'green' from the lamp mingles with the urban environment it lights up.

See, imagine and follow how the lamp's illuminating light replaces another element – water, dancing out of the canister and eager to break free from a definite shape, turning a familiar, immediate world into an unfamiliar, alternate world.

Singaporean photographer Zinkie Aw is interested in recording culture visually, specifically looking at how a population interacts with trends and lifestyles in a world that keeps re-defining itself.