/ 2013 / Fine Art /

In the shade of shadows

  • Prize
    Gold in Fine Art/Other, 1st Place winner in Fine Art, Silver in Portraiture/Self-Portrait
  • Photographer
    "Shohreh GolAzad","Omid Alliani(Amiri)", Iran

Technique:multimedia,sewing on photo paper
size:70*50 cm
Title:In the shade of shadows
description:Shadows are strangers grown into acquaintances.Others grown into me.They,re ever-present in me.We can,t recognize ourselves without them.They remind us of ourselves.

Having painted for a long time and then developing a passion for Photography in recent years , along with always having a hand in handcrafts,have led me to know and define myself as a multimedia artist today.
More than ever I ,m eager to learn ,being involved in art ,create and share my point of view through art with you .
Women and what relates to them ,and identity have always been my concerns.

Awards -Turkey Art & Culture Festival, 2011,nominee
-7th American Black&White Festival(Spider Award),2012,nominee
-3th Persbook Art Festival(Iran) ,2012,nominee