/ 2012 / Book / Nature


  • Prize
    Silver in Book (Series Only)/Nature, Silver in Book (Series Only)/Fine Art, Silver in Nature/Water
  • Photographer
    Stephane Suisse, France
  • Website

A series of pictures with the theme Emersion in my Aqualorée work

Aqualorée is a symbiosis of the aquatic world and color. A study of undiscovered spaces where the time affixes its mark on all photos. It shapes streams, unfolds clouds, enlightens spaces, and flatters the light... transforms the landscapes.

Stepahne Suisse is an independent French Photographer living in the city of Lyon - France. A major part of his work is composed of Black & White landscapes, color appearing more recently within aquatic landscapes in the "Aqualor�©e" series.

He dreads photography among our environment, in consonance with ceaseless wanderings, to discover new atmospheres, of short-lived moments which unfold themselves within singular long poses.