/ 2011 / Nature / Other_N


Towards the change in the rhythms of life, towards the unsustainable desire to overcome the space and time limitations, towards the induction of genetic mutations, towards the assumption of being able to control evolution.

Towards mute transformations.

Antonella Natali lives and works in Lecce, Italy.
In the nineties, she studied Computer Science and soon after terminated her study she began to work in the field of multimedia production.
Since 2005, she began to use Photography as language to represent Natural World, but also as medium to transform natural and urban landscapes in Evolving Landscapes, believing that photography is a powerful language that allows us to convey and evoke emotions.

Awards - 2013
"Obiettivo Terra 2013" Photo Contest, organized by UniVerde Foundation and Italian Geographical Society, finalist;

- 2011
“Passione Italia – Una giornata Italiana” Collective Photographic Project, organized by FIAF – Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche and SeatPG, selected by the jury for national exhibition;

- 2010
"Fotografa la cultura" Prize, organized by Italian Ministry of Culture, fifth prize - "Un libro in un'immagine" Category;

- 2009
“Arte in…..cantiere. Opere d’arte sui ponteggi” contest, organized by Regional Government of Puglia, honorable mention;

- 2008
“EPSON 40 Years of Innovation” Competition, organized by EPSON, finalist;

- 2007
“Verso l’alto, con i piedi in terra”. Torri e campanili di Toscana. “Vittorio Alinari” Award 2007-2008, organized by Vittorio e Piero Alinari Foundation, Florence, honorable mention;

- 2007
"Oleovagando" Photo Contest, organized by La Macina di San Cresci, Province of Florence, Regional Government of Tuscany, Province of Siena, APT of Florence, APT of Siena, Nikon, I Grandi Vini, second prize - colour category;

- 2005
Movid’Attimo “I Luoghi e i personaggi della Movida” Photo Contest, oganized by Cooperativa Punto a Sud Est of Lecce, sponsored by City Council of Lecce and Chamber of Commercio of Lecce, first prize.