/ 2011 / Fine Art / Digitally Enhanced


In my Enameled work, I focus on one-year-old baby girls, capturing the singularly innocent and yet familiar gestures of babies at this age to access the intimate and resonant within the image.
I photograph baby girls with blond hair and blue eyes as a measure to beauty. The images are cast and manipulated to further idealize their appearance, calling reference to our constructs of perfection.

Davina Feinberg is a photographer and artist based in New York City. Shows include Musee de l?Elysee in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Robert Sanderson Gallery in London 
Haifa Museum in Israel, Tefen Meuzeum in Israel and 
Zman L?omanot gallery in Israel. Her work is included in the Collection of Musee de L?Elysee in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Davina Holds a B.A in photography from Camera Obscura School of Art in Israel and a B.A in Art and Education from the Leeds University. During her photography studies she received a Dean?s Honor Roll for excellence.