/ 2011 / Press / Travel/Tourism

Real de Catorce

  • Prize
    Silver in Press/Travel/Tourism
  • Photographer
    Guido Torres, Mexico
  • Studio
    Guido Torres Studio
  • Website

This is Real de Catorce, formerly one of Mexico´s richest mining towns.

Guido Torres was born in Mexico and has always been attracted to the different interpretations of art.
As a conceptual photographer, he is not interested in creating perfect images of beautiful people.
He'd rather engineer photographic happenings which chart the shift from reality to dream-world, seeking out the strange, the exotic and the unseen and playing with the distorted use of materials, formats and finishes along the way.

He says photography provides an endless stream of possibilities. He believes the best art is born of natural partnerships. Whether its collaboration between artists or the relationship between artist and subject, these dynamic connections drive his creativity.

Photographic shoots are experiments from which ideas are born: an organic process which is only ever partly within Guido's conscious control. On shoots, his head functions as a motorized machine and his eyes as the machinist drives the process. This improvised approach constantly challenges his creative output.

Guido was brought up to appreciate fine art and from a young age felt that his tastes and influences would lead him to create less mainstream art. Initially trained as an architect, he has also studied painting and photography in London and New York. He works from his studio in Mexico City and collaborates with artists to merge ideas which far outstrip their individual concepts.