/ 2010 / Nature / -

Genius Loci

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Kalliopi Tzermnia, Greece
  • Website

Are we living in a â??hauntedâ?? world? Is it possible that Spirits from the past are surviving throughout time, eternally devoted to their task which is to guard and protect their dominion? Thousands years ago, people believed in the existence of â??daemonsâ?? who ensured their safety and protection. Every family, every village and every city had its own magic guardian. â??Nullus locus sine genio estâ??, wrote Serbius. In Roman Empire, a Genius Loci was the protective spirit of a land. Today, we no longer believe in pagan spooks. In modern physics, these entities are natural phenomena, generated by the electromagnetic fields of the earth, which affect the functioning of all organic and inorganic systems, including humans. Exploring their scientific profile is so exciting as the revelation of their humanoid or monstrous disguise which is depicted in old or abandoned buildings and wild rocky places. â??Genius Lociâ?? is my attempt to restore the fairy tale behind the science through a series of portraits that show the morphogenetic power of nature.