/ 2010 / Portraiture / Self-Portrait


  • Prize
    Bronze in Portraiture/Self-Portrait, Bronze in Fine Art/Other
  • Photographer
    Martyna Gulbinowicz - MuszyÅ?ska, Poland
  • Studio
    MAG agency
  • Website

My project is a photographic object consist of three walls built from glass covered with pictures printed on semitransparent material. Pictures show portraits of myself photographed from different angles (en face, left profile, right profile). Inside this object there is another object smaller in size but similar in shape. It's three walls are also covered with pictures this time nontransparent and printed in black and white. These pictures represent my fears. A fear of alcoholism that ruined my family, which created another fear of loneliness and most obvious a fear of death. I exposed myself in a trial to face those fears or most fortune as a try to accept myself.