/ 2008 / Portraiture / Self-Portrait


This project was shot in a burnt down "Gordon Inn" I re-encountered in my native Israel. When I was a little girl I used to walk by this building every time I went to the beach or to take a stroll on the board walk. My grandmother lived a few buildings away. The place has been deserted and locked for many years now after the fire. With the help of a friend, I managed to go inside through a broken window and discover the fascinating remains off the Inn. The lower level (where this series was shot) contained what used to be a lively bar,were a few broken bottles were left. The four floors above it contain several rooms all of which revealed a different oceanic color scheme, various paint deterioration stages and an assortment of charred bedroom furniture. The place was breath taking.
This series is a continuing exploration of identity and the layers of it. They all come together in one place and time to portray the possibilities of the me.

Contemporary Visual Artist. I feel very lucky to be able to do what I love.