Honorable Mention / 2024 / Press / Feature Story

Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia

A confrontation between illegal armed groups (the Clan del Golfo and the Pachecas) to control the territory, forced around 500 people from the Wiwa Indigenous community of La Sierra Nevada, Colombia, to flee their homes last February to save their life. After months living inside two government buildings where they found refuge in Riohacha, la Guajira's capital city, they still don't know if they ever return home. "Our lives are like living in a cage now" sadly says a Wiwa authority. A humanitarian crisis that, in 2023, forced more than 121,000 people to leave their homes in Colombia.

Antonio Cascio is an Italian freelance photojournalist and a Reuters photographer stringer, based in Colombia. He focuses his work on social movements, environmental justice, discriminated groups, and indigenous communities. His photographs have been awarded at the Paris Photo Prize 2023, IPA, BIFA and EPA. His pictures have been published by The Guardian, Al Jazeera, El País, Mongabay News, Le Monde, CNN, BBC, DW, Earth Island, NACLA, Amnesty International, and others.

Awards Paris Photo Prize 2023 (Silver Prize in Press and Politic & State of the World Winner), International Photography Award (Honorable Mention in General News) and European Photography Award (Platinum Winner in Press)