Honorable Mention / 2024 / Fine Art / Still Life

Thinking about memory

This is a reflection on how human memory creates history.

At first, events happen. Memory is like a set of objects placed side by side. Some of them are lost or deformed. Some are deliberately cut out of the collective memory by propaganda. Sometimes events are distorted to metamorphoses. Sometimes some of the forgotten or carefully hidden events emerge on the surface of history and play with new colors, maintaining a connection with the past with a thin thread, powerfully influencing our present. Such reliable memories become decisive and create history thanks to human memory.

I am from Kyiv. My interest in photography led me to the Kyiv School of Photography. During the year of study, I gained experience and discovered the world of artistic photography. She studied artistic aesthetics and composition with the Ukrainian photographer and art critic Dmytro Bogachuk.
Photography for me is self-expression, a unique language. Here there is freedom to express oneself, to create, to evoke emotions in the audience.
Study: 2020-2021 - Kyiv School of Photography, various courses.
2021-2022 - KSP. Composition. Colour. `100 Projects` - courses by Dimitri Bogachyk.

Awards Events: Graduate of the competition "Photographer 2021" from the Kyiv School of Photography in the category of portrait

Exhibitions: Participant of a group exhibition "Phylosophy of minimalism", november 2021, Kyiv.