Honorable Mention / 2024 / Book / Other

The Swan that flew away

The whispers near the lake are the voices of the Etruscan Gods who slept for two thousand years.
Maybe the beat of white wings woke them up, or the glass window broke, the glass broke the water, a broken looking glass.

We woke up in another world, on a black beach under the golden rays of a golden moon, where the song of a nightingale soars,
giving everything back to us
and more.

Margrieta was born under Northern skies, in the Netherlands.
She has lived and worked in the Netherlands, Italy, Algeria,
the Caribbean, Chile, Portugal and Romania.
During her biology studies with a major in philosophy at
Wageningen (the Netherlands), she started with a variety of
studies in bronze casting, painting, etching and ceramics.
Her work embraces poetry, sculpture, but her main creative
outlet is photography since her father showed her how
to print in his self made darkroom in the attic of their house.
She uses analogue cameras (from 35mm to whole plate).

Awards Her work has been awarded and exhibited internationally,
it has been published in magazines (Silvershotz,
B&W Magazine (also some of her albumen prints), Fotonostrum, Dodho,Seities magazine,
the Photoreview).
Her book “The Taste of Tears” received a Gold medal
in the Prix de la Photography (Px3).
Recently she published a part of her book "Mille Gigli"
(a Thousand Lilies) and a part of her book
“Una Terra Sacra" in ”Shots to Tell“ Magazine.
“Una Terra Sacra” won bronze in the Px3 2022
(Paris Photography Awards)

She lives and works in Bolsena (Tuscia), Italy