Honorable Mention / 2024 / Nature / Flowers

Stopped life

During the first year of the war in Ukraine, life stood still in anticipation. In our rented apartment, we lived out of suitcases, holding onto only the essentials. Cooking daily in one pot, we restricted ourselves to the bare necessities. Awareness of the war came slowly. Initially hopeful for a quick return to normalcy, we realized it meant a completely new life. These flowers, symbols of our peaceful past, froze like our lives at their peak. They signify a suspended time. Only through rebirth can we blossom again, rise, and flourish.

My art is about finding the interesting in the simple and creating magic out of the ordinary. I like to create photographs where the viewer could see their own story. It could be a vivid childhood flashback or a modern life reflection.

The main characters of my works are everyday objects, food, and flowers - everything that is always at hand and that can be used without any restrictions. I love looking for unusual combinations. So, I turn plates into medieval outfits from paintings. Vegetables become funny animals, and daisies turn into ice cream.

Awards 2023 - prize winner, first place in 500px Global Photography Awards in Commercial category.

2023 - silver winner in category ADVERTISING - FOOD in ONE EYELAND AWARDS.

2023 - bronze winner in category ADVERTISING - FOOD in ONE EYELAND AWARDS.

2023 - Nomination in Professional Fine Art category in the 9th Fine Art Photography Awards.

2022 - IPA 2022, First Place, Categories Advertising , Conceptual.

2022 - IPA 2022, Honorable Mention, Categories: Advertising, Conceptual; Advertising, Food&beverage.

2022 - Platinum winner in European Photography Awards Category Commercial Photography - Still Life.

2022 - Gold winner in European Photography Awards Category Commercial Photography - Food&beverage.

2022 - Honorable Mention in European Photography Awards Category Commercial Photography - Conceptual.

2022 - Silver winner in New York Photography Awards, Food & Beverage category.

2022 - Finalist in Conceptual Category in WORLD'S TOP 10 STILL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2021 ONE EYELAND.

2022 - Nomination in Professional Conceptual category in the 8th Fine Art Photography Awards