Honorable Mention / 2024 / Press / Travel/Tourism

You are the scenery I've come from afar to see.

The moment we embark on a journey, we've already quietly blended into others' daily lives.

Every trip, the people, events, and things we encounter are like nourishment given to us by this world, making our lives richer and more colorful.

Travel teaches us to view the world with new eyes, to appreciate the everyday beauty we often overlook. It reminds us that every moment in life is worth cherishing, and every ordinary day could be scenery in someone else's eyes.

Because who knows? Perhaps at this moment, you are the scenery that someone else has come from afar to admire.

My name is Mark5347.
Life is trip.
I love traveling everywhere & photography, I come from Taiwan.

Awards PX3 2023 Silver X 1
PX3 2023 Honorable Mention X 2
IPA 2023 Honorable Mention X 2
IPA 2023 Official Selection x 3
Ricoh GR Taiwan Joint Exhibition 2023 Selected X 2
PX3 2024 Honorable Mention X 2