Honorable Mention / 2024 / Special / Night Photography

Foggy Nights

  • Photographer
    Anirudh Koppula, Australia
  • Instagram

Winter Night Walks

Awards Digital Exhibitions:
"Art of Photography" exhibition in Cape - Town/ South Africa
Art Market Budapest, Budapest, Hungary.
Berlin Blue Art Gallery, located in the heart of Berlin, Germany.
"New Moment" gallery in Belgrade, Serbia.

Blank Wall Gallery, Athens - Greece
Smartfoto Content - Dublin - Ireland
Australian Photographic Society
Australian Photography Awards

Black and White Spider Awards - CA, USA
PHmuseum - Israael
PX3 Paris Photo Prize - Paris
Moscow International Foto Awards
MIRA Mobile Prize, Portugal
Tokyo International Foto Awards
Mobile Photo Awards - USA
One Eyeland Photography Awards
NewYork Photography Awards

Honorable Mentions:
ND Awards
Chromatic Awards
Monovisions Awards
The Mono Awards
Monochrome Awards
Annual Photography Awards