Honorable Mention / 2024 / Special / AI Generated Images


A blush pink wall stands tall, juxtaposed against the pale blue sky. A shallow pool, its tranquil surface gently disturbed, and beyond, the sea lies still, a calm backdrop to the overall scene.

I’m a commercial photographer and completed a Master of Arts Photography in 2022 and was awarded the MGA Monash Gallery of Art Award for Excellence in the Master of Arts Photography.

Through photography and the post production process I aim to show our urban environment, not the glistening monuments to corporate success, but the liminal spaces as the antithesis of the skyscraper, capitalism’s unambiguous phallic power statement, the banal public spaces we transit every day on autopilot that stand in for the incongruity between the city’s promise and most people’s reality.

Awards 2022 Clique Awards - Overall Winner ‘Scapes’
2022 Australian Photography Awards - Finalist Landscape Category
2022 Monash Gallery of Art - Excellence in the Master of Arts Photography
2022 Completed Master of Arts Photography
2022 Photo Collective Australian Photobook Awards - Finalist Open Category
2022 Ballarat International Foto Biennale Open Program - Honourable Mention
2021 Clique Awards - Overall Winner ‘Scapes’
2020 Capture Magazine - Mono Awards, Highly Commended
2018 London Open House Elements Competition - Category winner (stairs) and overall winner