Honorable Mention / 2024 / Fine Art / Nudes


Emi is a beautiful dancer that I had the joy of photographing before her show.

Maybe a passion for art is hereditary. In my case I think that is true. At a very young age my grandmother began telling me stories about her grandfather, a famous artist from Paris. These stories began to shape an early passion for art.

As an adult I studied graphic design at Art Center and for 30 years worked in the advertising field. In 2008, I began experimenting with photographic lenses that would allow me to combine the aesthetics of my painting style with the immediacy of a photograph.

Awards 2018 12th Pollux Awards: WINNER in Open Category/Series: Summer

2018 12th Pollux Awards: Honorable Mention for Series "WaterColours" in Landscape Category

2018 12th Pollux Awards: Honorable Mention for "Two Trees", French Landscape" and One Wave", Fine Art Category

2018 WINNER Julia Margaret Cameron "Other Category" for series "Summer"

2018 Honorable Mention Julia Margaret Cameron "Water.Colours" in Landscapes/Seascapes

2018 Julia Margaret Cameron Honorable Mention "Dreams of Cuba" in "Other Category"
2018 International Photography Awards Honorable Mention Series "Water.Colours"
2017 FINALIST 9th Edition of of Pollux Awards/Landscape/ "Water.Colours"
2017 FINALIST 2nd Charles Dodgson B&W Awards/Cityscape "Venice Alley"
2017 International Color Awards Honorable Mention "Midnight Blue"/Abstract
2017 International Color Awards Honorable Mention "-10"/Nature
2017 International Color Awards Honorable Mention "Middle of Nowhere"/Nature
2017 International Color Awards Nominee "Trolly Time"/Americana
2016 IPA WINNER/SportsOther "Feet in the Air"
2016 IPA Honorable Mention Fine Art Other "Nighttide"
2016 9th Annual Pollux Awards Finalist/Landscape
2016 11th Annual Black & White Spider Awards Honorable Mention in Nature /"Moonrise"
2016 Julia Margaret Cameron WINNER /Fashion