Honorable Mention / 2024 / Fine Art / Other

"Truth or Consequences“

The project "Truth or Consequences" deals with the visualisation of individual and social emotions in the face of the profound change. Everything is in motion; creation and decay run parallel, as do truth and fake.
In this time of rapid upheaval, the familiar world is losing its contours. What are our truths, what are our duties? The aim of the "Truth or Consequences" mission is to give expression to this search for orientation and values.
The project is based on the series "violences ordinaires" (2022), "eau de vie" (2023), "transience" (2023, ongoing) and "positioning (2023, ongoing).

Michael Goerner was born on the last day of the 60s. His mission is the visualization of individual and social emotions in the face of the profound change to a predatory culture. He is driven by the search for truth and truthfulness. Michael lives and works in Hamburg/Germany, at Lake Constance and in Northern Italy.
In the field of photography Michael moves between mminimalism, ICM and street. His role models include Antoine D'Agata, Michael Ackerman and Martin Bogren.
Recently, his works have been presented in several solo and group exhibitions in France, Germany, Switzerland and the UK.

Awards Exhibitions and Shows
09/22 "Violences ordinaires“, Rencontres d'Arles, CROISIÈRE, Arles, France (Group Show)
07/23 "Truth or Consequences“, Kunst im Quartier, Hamburg, Germany (Solo Show)
10/23 HAAM, Hamburg, Germany (Group Show)
02/24 "Everyone but Caspar!“, Künstlerhaus Sootboern, Kunsthalle Niendorf, Germany (Group Show)
02/24 "The Dark Side“, Boomer Gallery, London, UK (Group Show)
04/24 KOMETA Kunstfestival, Burgdorf, Switzerland (Group Show)
04/24 ArtFest 24, University Bremen, Germany (Group Show)
05/24 ImageNation 2024, Galerie Joseph Le Palais, Paris, France (Group Show)