Honorable Mention / 2024 / Special / Special Effects


In this experiment I tried to depict the control over space and time.
These are vases standing on glass, a manipulation of light that created the effect of waves and a single plane. This is control over space.
The stripes are the light that was fixed in a certain way during the shooting. That is, the control and distortion of time, since these flashes of light cannot be seen at once, because each of them exists in its own time (otherwise there would be no dark streaks), but we see them all together, as if time was compressed like an accordion.
So what we see exists, and it does not exist.

Oksana is an Ukrainian visual artist, architecture and fine art photographer.
She started her studies at the Kyiv School of Photography in 2021 and since then it has become her life's work.
Art educational: Kyiv School of Photography, Ukraine, Form Photo Academy, Paris, France.
Having a master's degree in Economic, this can be applied in the photo field, but in reverse: the photo is not an illustration now, but the main message, supplemented by storytelling. Experience in art school helps Oksana to combine photography and art and this combination is a way of her communication with the world.

Awards 2024 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris (PX3) - Silver in category Nature/Flowers, Silver in category Architecture/Interior, 5 Honorable Mentions, Professional

2024 – FORM PHOTO AWARD – Shortlisted Photographer.

2024 – 23rd Julia Margaret Cameron Award – Winner in Professional category Nature, Honorable Mention in Professional category Fine Art.

2024 – 22nd Julia Margaret Cameron Award - Honorable Mention in category Fine Art, Non-Professional.

2023 – London International Creative Competition (LICC) – Finalist in category Create (Art), Non-Professional.

2023 – Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA) – 6 Honorable Mentions in Non-Professional categories.

2023 – Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA) – Silver in Professional category Architecture/Buildings, Silver in Professional category Architecture/Interiors, Bronze in Professional category People/Self-portrait, 9 Honorable Mentions.

2023 – New York Photography Awards - Honorable Mention in category Fine Art Photography/Architecture, Non-Professional.

2023 - ND Awards - 2 Honorable Mention in category Architecture/Interior, Non-Professional.

2023 - International Photo Awards (IPA) - Honorable Mention in category Fine Art/Steel Life, Non-Professional.

2023 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris (PX3) - Bronze in category Architecture/Historic, Bronze in category Fine Art/Steel Life, Honorable Mention in category Portrait/Self-Portrait, Non-Professional.