Honorable Mention / 2024 / Nature / Water


Wave captured on São Tomé Island (Golf of Guinea) with the ICM technic which gives the photograph some poetry.

I got my first camera from my parents at the age 11. Since that time I never stopped taking photos to capture the beauty of nature.
During the last 30 years, I have been fortunate to live in different parts of the world: North America, Middle-East, East Africa, Northern Europe and Northern Africa. Nowadays a lot of wild species are in danger because of lost habitat, climate change and poaching. For these reasons I have decided to dedicate my photography to the cause of preservation so the future generations might admire the incredible wildlife on our beautiful planet.

Awards 2020- Black and White Spider Awards : Wildlife (pro)
2019- Black and White Spider Awards : Wildlife (non-pro)
2019- Moscow Foto Awards : Nature (non-pro)
2019- Winner of Biafarin Promotion Award in 13th Arte Laguna Art Prize
2018- Tokyo Foto Awards : Nature-trees (non-pro)
2018- Monochromes Awards : Fine Art (non-pro)