Honorable Mention / 2024 / Portraiture / Culture

'Soil is our mother'

The traditional form of wrestling (kushti) dates back thousands of years and holds a special place in India’s sporting culture
Hundreds of young men from mostly poor rural areas move to the city of Kolhapur every year with the goal of becoming kushti champions Doing so will bring prestige fame and money but it’s an arduous journey
The wrestlers train for years several hours a day, seven days a week in tough conditions
Sharing tiny spaces, they all cook together in groups and sleep on the floor
United by their shared dream, they forge deep bonds that transcend the boundaries of a wrestling pit

Dimitris Sideridis is a Greek photographer/photo editor/filmmaker/visual artist whose award-winning work has appeared in some of the world’s biggest digital publications, among others. He produces content on a wide range of social and anthropological issues. He is a contributor with CNN and Al Jazeera providing images and copy for travel features reported from Qatar, Greece, Cyprus and elsewhere and also covering diverse topics related to the refugee crisis, politics and culture. He holds a MA in Photography and Visual Language from the Middlesex University of London.

Awards 2024
PX3 Prix De La Photographie Paris HM: Soil is our mother
MUSE Photography Awards 2023
Platinum W: Memory and Loss
Gold W: Memory and Loss
Silver W: As Long As It Lasts
APA-Annual Photography Awards 2022
HM: Passage/Women Refugees/Workers on Lunch Break
LICC-London International Creative Competition 2022
Off.Sel.: Memory and Loss (Short Video)
Monochrome Photography B/W Awards 2022 HM: Women Refugees
Tokyo International Foto Awards
Bronze W: Women Refugees
Off.Sel.: Women Refugees
Chromatic Awards 2022
2nd: Hidden
HM: Seaweeds
Budapest International Foto Awards:
Silver W: Loss and Memory
Bronze W: Passage
HM: Women Refugees
10th Olympic Photo Circuit 2022:
GAP HM 6 Hermes Salon: Break
Nominee’s Apollo Salon: Break/Women Refugees
PX3 Prix De La Photographie Paris Bronze W: Women Refugees
reFocus Awards:
People’s Vote Winner:
Women Refugees, Break and Rafael Trejo – Dukes on the Ropes
The woman and her dog/Seaweeds/Place and Memory/Arab Night At The Souq/ Passage
Moscow International Foto Awards:
Silver W: Rafael Trejo-Dukes on the Ropes (Book/Documentary)
HM: Hellenikon
PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris Bronze W: Hellenikon
PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris Gold W:
Rafael Trejo-Dukes on the Ropes (Book/Doc)
Fine Art Photography Awards Nominee:
Rafael Trejo-Dukes on the Ropes (Photojournalism/Series)
Annual Photography Awards HM: Rafael Trejo-Dukes on the Ropes
Tokyo International Foto Awards HM:
Rafael Trejo-Dukes on the Ropes (Book/Doc)
Budapest International Foto Awards HM: Hellenikon (Editorial/Photo Essay)
Chromatic Awards HM: Arab Night At The Souq (Travel)
IPA-International Photo Awards HM: Arab Night At The Souq (Travel)
PX3 Prix de La Photographie Paris HM: Nicosia Airport (Press/Feature Story)
Monovisions Photography Awards HM: Nicosia Airport (Architecture/Series)