Honorable Mention / 2024 / Fine Art / Collage

series Homo Futurus

Homo sapiens and its future

Noting the transformations undergone by our body over the decades. Slowly evolving but
irreversible of our skeleton.

What will our physical development be in a few decades?
What physical appearance will we have following the transformation of our face, what will be the features that
still characterize our species?
What changes will we have made to our planet to try to survive it?
This new being will be called: Homo Futurus or Homo Futuris (scientific name)

Self-taught photographer, I learned in the labs of my friends, painters, decorators and photographers during the artistic movements of the 60s and 70s. Powered by these surrounding energies, I chose photography to express my ideas.

In my photographic approach I try to bring subjects of reflection, by asking myself questions about us and the evolution of our society. In my work, two distinct axes are expressed - the perception of everyday life and more down to earth compositions such as perspective, line, color and framing are the elements necessary for the construction of the image.

Awards 2013 - Urban Landscape : 1650 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 900, (USA) Expo-group

2014  - Biennale de Nancy - Ailleurs – Exhibition – (Fr) Expo-group

2014 - Premio Arte Laguna Prize 13.14 - (Venice), Exhibition – (It) Expo-group

2015 - SeeMee Exhibitions – Paris - Musée du Louvre – (Fr) Projections in Gallery

2016 - Galerie de l'Evole, Neuchâtel (CH) - Expo solo

2016 - New York Center of Photographic Art - Manhatann – Jadite Gallery -(USA) Expo-group

2017 – The Artbox.Project Basel 1.0 – Exhibition EuroAirport Basel – (CH) Projections in Gallery

2018 - Artbox Project New York 1.0 – Exhibition New York Artweeks – (CH) Projections in Gallery

2018 – Tifa -Tokyo International Foto Awards (JP) – Expo-group

2018 - CIP Chania International Photo Festival – (Gr) - Expo-group

2019 - PH21 Contemporary Photography – InStatu Nascendi – Budapest - (H) Expo group

2020 - CIP Chania International Photo Festival – (Gr) – Expo-group

2020 - 15th Pollux International Photography Awards – FotoNostrum – (GB) - Winner

2020 – Blank Wall Gallery – Athens - Moments of color – (GR) – Expo group

2021 - Blank Wall Gallery – Athens - Monochrome – (GR) – Expo group

2021 – Urban Photo Awards – Trieste – Airport Trieste – (It) – Expo group

2021 – New York Photography Awards – abstract (USA) – winner silver

2022 - Blank Wall Gallery – Athens – moments of color – (GR) – Expo-group

2022 - CIP - 5th CHANIA International Photo Festival (GR) – Expo-group

2022 – ARTIST SPACE Gallery - on line - Color – Expo on line

2022 – PH 21 Gallery – Barcelona – (E) – Expo group

2022 – Blank Wall Gallery – Athens - Still Life – (GR) – Expo group

2022 – Blank Wall Gallery – Athens – B&W – (GR) – Expo group

2022 – ARTIST SPACE Gallery - abstract - on line – Expo group

2023 - GALLERIUM ART – Shapes and Colors – (CA) - Expo on line

2023 – ARTIST SPACE Gallery – Blue ART – on line - Winner - Expo group

2023 - GLASGOW Photography Gallery - Open Call May – (UK) – Expo group