Honorable Mention / 2024 / Portraiture / Other

Escaping Cyclone Jasper Alive - Bill & Michelle

Bill Dunn (73) comforts his wife Michelle Dunn (58) in the ruins of their Degarra home on the banks of the Bloomfield River in Far North Queensland. In the aftermath of Cyclone Jasper in December 23 over two metres of rain turned the river into a raging torrent destroying their home of 38 years and scouring the entire community away. As the waters rose they swam out their kitchen window and lashed themselves to a tree. When the waters rose too high they feared the worst and let go but were swept to a higher tree where they spent ten hours before being rescued by their son in a 'tinie' (boat).

BRIAN CASSEY / based Cairns, Australia

Long based in Australia's northern tropical city of Cairns, Brian was born in London UK almost with a camera in his hand. (First camera a VP Twin 127 Bakelite camera - 2/6d at Woolworths)

Since making Cairns home a few decades ago Brian has been freelancing for National and International media including News Ltd, Fairfax and 'The Wires'.

Brian has covered major news stories in Australia and around the planet ... and has been awarded for his work World wide.

Awards See ... www.briancasseyphotographer.com/awards