Honorable Mention / 2024 / Nature / Other

Beautiful Moment

  • Photographer
    Mi Yee Mariana Poon, Hong Kong
  • Studio
  • Instagram

Butterflies life are very short but they do have 4 stages in their life cycle. During their life time, they have strong will to fight for their life from birds and insects. We often found that their wings and legs were broken while finding food. In the image, Delias pasithoe, a butterfly was seemingly having serene and beautiful moment near the pond having her food. Human should not try to catch or hurt butterflies which helps to decorate the Nature and let them have a free atmosphere.

Graduated in Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Photography in the University of Hong Kong SPACE in 2019. Presently, I explore and develop more on creative and contemporary photography after the study.

Held solo Space.Rhythm Photo Exhibition and Book Launch in April 2023.

Awards Had obtained 2+ Honourable Mention Certificates and 50+ Acceptances in International Salon Competitions.

Awarded: 1 Honorable Mention in TIFA in 2019; 1 Honorable Mention in IPA (Professional) in 2020; Bronze winner (Professional) in MIFA In 2021; 2 Honorable Mentions (Professional) in PX3 2021; 2 Honorable Mentions (Professional) in IPA 2021; 1 Bronze and 3 Official Selections (Professional) in TIFA 2021.
6 Official Selections (Professional) in IPA 2022
1 Official Selection (Professional) in TIFA 2022
1 Bronze (Professional) in PX3 2023
2 Honorable Mentions (Professional) in PX3 in 2023
1 Honorable Mention (Professional) in IPA 2023
3 Official Selections (Professional) in IPA 2023
1 Bronze (Professional) in BIFA 2023 - Book-Fine Art
3 Honorable Mentions (Professional) n BIFA 2023
1 Honorable Mention (Professional) in TIFA 2023